Friday 30 October 2015

Day 7 & 8- with hubby in Paris

Since hubby is not working on weekend, we can go out together at last. Yeah....can at least take some stress off travelling alone and get to eat lunch together. 
Revisited Musee de Orsay on Sat and finally get to eat at the nice restaurant inside.

I ordered the entrée and dessert set for 22 euro while hubby ordered the lamb and foie gras. The fisherman stew in front of me is quite good.

The best is the creme brulee. It's the best creme brulee I ever tasted.
After a good lunch, we continued with the museum until 2.30pm where we left for La Valle outlet mall for some shopping time!
The next day, we went Lourve. It's the first time hubby stepped into the Lourve even though he had been in Paris a few times. 
The Apollo room is a must for me since I missed it the last time. It's a v grand looking room. By the time I left, I am getting a stiff neck from staring at the ceiling too much.

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