Saturday 31 October 2015

Happy Halloween 2015

Spending Halloween alone at home with Poochi.

Check out my pumpkin costume!
Posing together with the ghost 
Evil violent pooch attacking the ghost! 
Poochi wins! Happy Halloween 2015!

Friday 30 October 2015

Day 9 in Paris- Last minute shopping at Lafayette

Times flies and soon it's my last day in Paris. I'm neither sad nor happy coz I'm glad I dun have to find things to do by myself anymore and sad to leave the nice cold autumn weather behind....

Looking back, it had been like an adventure for me. Navigating the metro lines of paris and sightseeing alone, I'm quite proud to say I done it all by myself. I'm independent, resourceful and adventurous. I'm glad that I have done all that I wanted to do in Paris. It's not that scary as I thought at first. Maybe I will go back again...i dunoe yet....Parisan aren't so rude as I thought ( a bit of bonjour and merci helps too)  and many of them are willing to speak English nowadays. Besides, I'm starting to love the french language. It's a beautiful language and quite easy to learn. Till then, au revoir~

Day 7 & 8- with hubby in Paris

Since hubby is not working on weekend, we can go out together at last. Yeah....can at least take some stress off travelling alone and get to eat lunch together. 
Revisited Musee de Orsay on Sat and finally get to eat at the nice restaurant inside.

I ordered the entrée and dessert set for 22 euro while hubby ordered the lamb and foie gras. The fisherman stew in front of me is quite good.

The best is the creme brulee. It's the best creme brulee I ever tasted.
After a good lunch, we continued with the museum until 2.30pm where we left for La Valle outlet mall for some shopping time!
The next day, we went Lourve. It's the first time hubby stepped into the Lourve even though he had been in Paris a few times. 
The Apollo room is a must for me since I missed it the last time. It's a v grand looking room. By the time I left, I am getting a stiff neck from staring at the ceiling too much.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Day 6 in Paris- St Chapelle, Notre Dame & Luxembourg

Was early in the queue waiting to go inside St Chapelle around 10am. Took a metro to Pont Neuf and walked to the place in about 10-15mins using my Google map. Kinda hard to find but lucky there are signs around.
For this, there are no special queue for ppl with museum pass or advance tickets....
Ticket was about 8 euro but the view of the stained glass was worth it even though the place is v small and there was nothing else to see.

The stained glass was amazing and told stories from the old testement starting from Genesis. 
Next stop is the famous Notre Dame cathedral which was v nearby and about less than 5 mins walking distance away. 
There are 3 main doors at the front of the building. The one on the right is the queue going in and its v long but moved v fast. The one on the left is the exit. If u are going up the tower, the entrance is on the left side of the building. 
Entrance is free. There are no security check when I came in. The whole place was solemn and dark. 
Left side of the building with a long queue of people going up the tower.

Next stop is the Luxembourg garden which I walked to from Notre Dame in about 30mins.....through St Michel Blvd. It's a straight road lined with many shops and cafes. 
Crossing the seine river
Passing by this fountain next to St Michel metro station.
Buying a Pauls sandwich along the way to eat in the garden later. My first time trying Paul. 
The garden was very beautiful. Loved the autumn foliage.
Sat on a bench and stared at the red maple leaves falling off the tree while chewing my sandwich. Felt like a magical moment to me.
Enjoyed myself in this garden very much as it is less crowded compared to Tuileries Garden. There is also a paid toilet (0.50 euro) in the park. Awesome place to take a stroll and rest.

Friday 23 October 2015

Day 5 in Paris- Rodin Museum & Lafayette Gourmet Food

A pity it was under renovation and was only partially opened....I think this museum is a really pretty nice place.

There were hardly anyone there. The place was quiet and peaceful. It had a v beautiful garden.
I like two of his famous artworks, the thinker and the gate of hell. Many of his works are v lifelike....a bit eerie and dark. Sadly, my hp battery suddenly die and I'm not able to take any more pics....
Next, I went to Lafayette food gourmet building to buy some atas food. I finally  bought Jean Paul Hevin chocolate and macaroons and also some atas éclairs from L'eclair de genie from Christopher Adam.  I dunoe what that, but they only sell éclairs so I guess it must be good. And the most important must buy item, Pierre Herme macaroon. 

I dunoe what flavor are those two éclairs...i just chose the nicest looking ones....

Heard the chocolate macaroons are better than Pierre must try try to confirm since I love PH.

Thursday 22 October 2015

Day 4 in Paris- Musee de Orsay & Tuileries

After getting my comfy walking shoes, I'm all set to go out. This time is the musee de orsay which is famous for impressionist arts. Think I'm getting used to navigating around Paris using metro by myself.
The museum housed a lot of Claude Monet paintings. It also have Van Goh paintings, rodin sculptures and other non impressionist paintings.

I reached the museum around 10am and the queue is fairly short. I was inside within 20 mins. Frankly speaking, after the Lourve, this place felt like nothing much. Good thing is that there are no tour groups around. People here are more interested in the artwork that  taking selfie with it. Btw, u are not allowed to use a selfie stick and not allowed to eat anywhere except in the museum. 
There is a very beautiful restaurant inside the mseum. It opened at 11.45am but a long queue already formed before its door was opened. 
The pricing is also not v expensive. A set meal with an entrée and a main dish is only about 22 euro. 
Since I'm alone, I dun really have to mood to dine by myself. It's just so weird and sad eating by myself in such a nice place.

End up eating my kinder bueno cake bread outside the museum facing the seine hungry by then....
Walking across a bridge to Jardine du Tuileries for a stroll....and discovered that this is the bridge where ppl place locks on it as a representation of their love...? 

Tuileries garden lies right after this bridge. It's a nice pleasant park. Alot of trees are turning brown or yellow  it dun think they are maple trees....

Day 3 Paris- Shopping at Lafayette & foie gras

After getting some severe blisters from all that walking yesterday in my uncomfortable shoes, I decide to have a short day by just visiting Lafayette Galleries, the biggest shopping mall in Paris. 

Bought myself a Longchamp sling bag and help my MIL get her tote. I have no choice but to buy another pair of shoes since the one I'm wearing is killing me with every step. End up getting a pair of Adidas sneaker for 90 euros. It feel so damn I am able to survive in Paris for the rest of the week. Ahhh.......nothing is more important than wearing a pair of comfortable walking shoes in hell with style...actually most of the people I saw wore just sport shoes or sneakers...nothing fanciful.

To end off the day, I had a great french dinner at Cafe Pourpre located near my hotel. The foie gras is the BEST I have ever eaten...I dinoe it can actually taste so good....which means i have been eating crappy foie gras in SG all this time...

This is my entrée. This large piece of foie gras on the right side of the plate looks big like a steak. The texture is v smooth and buttery. At first, I spread the foie gras over the bread but the owner kindly corrected me and said it should be cut and place as a chunk on the bread and eaten together. That's the correct way to eat the foie gras, just like u shouldn't stir ur wasabi into ur soya sauce...haha...

My main dish...salmon with rice and leeks. The leeks taste v nice....i dunoe what it's cooked with but it's good....iI finished everything on my plate....

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Day 2 paris- Lourve Museum

Day 2 paris is lourve museum day. Since hubby have to work, it's just me by myself. It's a bit sianz and dangerous for a single woman walking around in paris but well...I just have to do it. Besides I'm used to being alone.
Arrived at 9am at the lourve. The queue is still ok. Waited about 20 mins before I get in.

I'm so glad I got myself the Nintendo 3dsXL audio guide. It's the best audio guide I ever seen. With that,  I dun have to get lost and it will bring me to the painting I want to see and explain the artwork to me. Awesome!

I start with the Denon wing first. That's the first masterpiece I tool pic of...the wing goddess of victory also known as the victory of Samothrace.
I feel so in awe at the scale and grandness of this museum. Dun think any other art museum can come close this. Sadly I was wearing a pair of torturing boots so I am not able to see much. Decide to call it a day by 2.30pm...although I still have yet to finished seeing everything. It's ok, I will be coming back again with hubby this weekend. 

Monday 19 October 2015

Paris day 1

Landed in paris at around 7.45am. Hubby gave an orientation around paris and we went to take pic at effiel tower and arc de tromphe. My poor feet already gana a few blisters....arghhh....frankly speaking I dun really like paris. In fact, I dun really like cities...way too many people....hard to find toilet and stressful....
Anyway, I have ticked paris off my bucket list. to eat my pierre herme macaroons noe....