Thursday 7 May 2020

Day 31 & home-cooked fine dining by Chef Ham

Chef hubby made sous-vide salmon with homemade hollandaise sauce using thermomix and cheesy Mac & cheese using rice cooker. 

To compliment the dish, he pop opened cloudy bay white wine to go along with it.
Woah~! I haven’t had such fine dining experience for so long..sorrie about the kiddish plates...haha....
It was a success and everything taste wonderful. The salmon was cooked perfectly using thermomix’s soya-vide function. After that, it was pan fried lightly using French butter to give a slight crisp on the outer surface. I love the hollandaise sauce as it does not cover the taste of the salmon, yet giving a creamy rich texture to the food. Yummmy.....The Mac&cheese was made using the recipe from the
Which I discovered when watching tv, and he was making fried rice using rice cooker. I tried it and it really works and look and taste better than the fried rice I cooked. 
Today is day 31 of CCB and there was 741 new covid cases with 5 from the community. Total number stands at 20939 and 20 deaths.

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