Monday 25 May 2020

Laksa seafood fried rice using rice cooker

Thanks to #ricecookerman for coming up with the idea to make fried rice using rice cooker, I’ve been making some modifications to the recipe and came up with this laksa seafood fried rice.


10 pieces of the frozen Hokkaido scallops
1 packet of prima laksa fried rice sauce
Frozen shrimps ~15 pieces
1 cup frozen mixed vegetables
1.25 cups of jasmine rice
3 eggs
1 tablespoon soya sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
3 cloves of garlic, minced and crushed 
1.25 cups of chicken stock 
Spring onions 
Tobiko for garnishing 

I used the chicken stock with scallops for added taste and for the tobiko, I got it from DonDon Donki. 

Wash the rice and add chicken stock and prima laksa sauce to it.
Add the scallops, prawns and frozen mixed vegetables after washing them.
Add soya sauce, sesame oil, minced garlic
Add a dash of pepper, sprinkle some garlic powder and dried parsley for extra seasoning

Stir the content inside the rice cooker before cooking.
In the meantime, beat 3 eggs and season with some maggi seasoning or soya sauce.
After rice is cooked, immediately add the beaten egg and covered rice cooker to keep warm for another 10mins.

This is how it looked like immediately after cooking.

Pour beaten egg all over the top of the rice and covered for another 10mins.

This was how it looked after 10mins.
Immediately give a good stir and break up the egg and mix well with the rice.

After stirring and mixing up the egg, this is how it looked like. 
Add some chopped spring onions into the rice cooker and mixed it again with the chicken rice.

Tada~! Laksa seafood fried rice is done. Put some tobiko on top of the rice, to give an extra crunch and savory taste to it.  

Friday 22 May 2020

Start of my one week holiday

Yes! I’ll be taking my off in lieu on tue which means I won’t be going back to work until next Friday. Yippee!
So today was day 1 of my 1 week holiday in Singapore. Where else can I still go? 

Since I can’t go traveling  anymore, the only enjoyment in life now is food. Sighz.... anyway, came across the brown sugar and sea salt milk which i had been wanting to get since the rice cooker man introduced about it. Conclusion: not bad! It’s not as sweet as I expected and it had a slight sea saltish after taste. Nice but need to drink it while cold coz dun taste so good once it’s no longer cold....

Another thing I found at the cold storage in Kovan was this hello kitty apple vanilla cream beer and the newly launched Hershey mint cream wafers. Been looking for the hello kitty beer since last week. 
Conclusion: can taste the apple vanilla taste of the beer during the first sip. However for $7, it’s too expensive and tastewise was not anything to rave about. Yet to try the Hershey wafers.
Today was day 46 of CCB. Yesterday, there was a spike 13 positive covid cases from the community which was the highest in more than 3 weeks....😱
As for today, there was 614 new cases and 4 were from the community. Phew~ if this continue to be double digits, who knows when this CCB will ends...
To date, the total number of cases in Singapore is 30426. We had exceeded the 30000 benchmark today.

Monday 18 May 2020

My dog finally vomit out the durian seed...

I have lost count of how many days since CCB....been working like a zombie for 12hrs on Fri and Sat and time just flies....woke up today thinking it’s Sunday but it’s Monday.
Yesterday, my dog vomit out something and I realized it’s the durian seed he swallowed on the 29 April....
Omg....that seed had been inside him for more than 2 weeks! It’s too big to be excreted out so in the end it had to been vomited out. Poor silly old dog, he must be v uncomfortable with that thing stuck inside him for so long! 🤦🏻‍♀️
Anyway, yesterday was day 41 and there was an increase of 682 cases where 5 were from the community and 4 were work permit holders living outside dormitories. Total cases is now at 28038 and 22 deaths.

Thursday 14 May 2020

Stay home DIY project

Got this from my last trip to Taiwan which seems like a long long time ago....

You can make the figurine in either the opaque blue covering or the transparent blue covering. Initially, I did the opaque blue covering but later I changed it to the transparent one coz it shows the internal mechanism which is the highlight of this model.

Took me about 1-2 hrs to assemble it. The small cutter was important there are many small parts which needed trimmings or else it won’t fit properly.

Ta-da~! The completed transparent covering of Doraemon and its internal mechanism. Love Doraemon! It was my fave character when I was young. Sometimes I wish I had a real Doraemon as my friend.

The arms are movable. There is an option to assemble it in standing or sitting down position. 

It would be nicer if the bell was real and made a sound. Overall, a simple and fun project to pass the time. 

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Day 36 & 37

Yesterday, there was a reported increase of 884 cases of which were from the community and 3 were workers living outside dormitories. 
Today, there was 675 new cases with 4 from the community. Total number of cases to date now is 25346. We exceeded the 25000 benchmark today. Good news is that  number of cases from the community has remained single digits for the past 4 days.

Looks like things have been improving but not sure whether it will remain so after the CB ends on 1 June. There are many cases of resurgence after lockdown eased in other countries such as China, Korea etc. 
Anyway, there is still no light at the end of the tunnel.....will still be inside this dark long tunnel, occasionally having to hold our breathe and brace and occasionally able to breathe again for a while before going back to hold our breathe and brace again....again  and again until god knows when....
I realize why I have been feeling so sianz and lost recently. Coz there is nothing to look forward to anymore. Used to look forward to my next trip and plan for it....but now....there’s nothing, except maybe looking forward to your next meal....

Monday 11 May 2020

Day 34 and Day 35

Day 34 saw an increase in 876 cases in which 4 were from the community and 11 were work permit holders living outside dormitories.
Day 35 saw an increase of just 486 new cases in which 2 were from the community. The low number reported was due to fewer tests being processed in a laboratory. Total number of cases is 23822 to date.

Today, Macdonalds opened for the first time since it was closed due to the circuit breaker. 🎉🎉

Sunday 10 May 2020

Eggo Choco chips waffles for brekkie

Got this a NTUC recently coz has a sudden craving for waffles. Thought of getting a waffle maker to make waffles at home but heck....found a easier and better solution. Juz pop this frozen waffles into a oven or in my case, a microwave with convection function. Preheat microwave at 230 degree Celsius and then place waffles inside for 5mins at 230 that same temp. 

Ta-da~! Home made waffles with a banana, blueberries, whipped cream and Hershey chocolate sauce! 😋 Yunmy!
The waffles was chewy yet crispy on the outside and bananas really go well with chocolate sauce. Simple and quick fix for my waffle craving. Haha...

Day 33 and a trip to Vivo city

Today saw an increase of 753 new cases with 11 cases in the community and 3 permit holders living outside dormitories. Total cases to date is 22460 and 20 deaths.

It’s been a long time since I stepped foot into vivo. Used to go there all the time as it’s just one stop away from my workplace mrt and will always go there for lunch and shopping. How I missed the place now. 
Except for the supermarket NTUC xtra and some eateries, all shops were closed. Noticed some eateries choose to remain closed such as LJS, Bornga etc. 
For dinner, we chose tsuta as they were having 1-1 promotion on their ramen. However, need to order online in order to enjoy the promotion. So we just scan the QR code provided and order through the phone. They have someone there to help u how to order it, just that you can’t order the food on the spot in person. Same for Grams pancake, in fact they have a notice on their entrance that state no more walk-in orders. Have to WhatsApp or order online for the next day order. 😧
We also went Secret Recipe to get some cakes as they are still able to sell it. Managed to get my fave chocolate banana slice and Hubby got a durian formage slice. Took about 15 mins just to wait for them to take the cake out and put it in a box. They have 3 staffs there but they are all lost like sotong and have no idea what to do.....v chaotic and messy. Many ppl are frustrated at having to wait 15mins just to get a slice of cake from the glass counter. It’s terrible....🤦🏻‍♀️

Order their signature shoyu ramen with added onsen egg. The noodle and soup are separated. 

Throw the noodle and ingredients into the soup inside the bowl and viola~ Michelin Tsuta ramen at home!
Love the rich savory taste of the shouyu and truffle taste. The onsen egg was perfect with the yoke oozing out when opened. Yum yum....

Hubby’s present for me as mother day’s gift. It was perfect. Been feeling damn stiff on the shoulders and neck recently and since there are no massage parlors or tuina available during this CCB, it’s the only option.
Sighz....I missed getting a massage.

Friday 8 May 2020

Day 32 and home cooked fried udon

Today was day 32 of circuit breaker and there was an increase of 768 new cases being reported with 10 cases from the community. Sighz....still the same
Total cases is now 21707 and 20 deaths. 
I did not stepped out of the house at all except to take my dog for a walk for about 5-10mins. Saw a guy half walking half jogging in slippers and staring at his phone at my house downstairs without a mask on. Just becoz it’s ok not to wear a mask when jogging, some ppl seems to take advantage of that fact to go out without a mask. Ya, sure....I can totally understand the need to take a walk ouside and breath some fresh air but at least put on some proper jogging gears. The act is too obvious.

Today’s dinner is home cooked fried udon and I’m the chef. Being researching for this recipe and fine tuning it to use on thermomix. It looked and taste just like hokkien mee. It’s not bad but think I think to reduce the amount of liquid in the dish as it was swimming in a pool of brown gravy. Hubby liked it v much.
Here’s the improvised recipe. Enjoy~😊

Hokkien Mee 

4 garlic and 4 shallots
1 Chicken breast, sliced and marinated with soya sauce, mirin, sesame sauce, pepper and maggi seasoning sauce.
Cabbage, chopped and sliced 
Carrot, chopped and thinly sliced
Brown mushrooms, quarter
2 packets of udon
Fish cake 

Got this frozen sanuki udon pack from Donki. It’s v thick chewy and smooth. Highly recommended! 👍🏻

For the sauce:
4 tablespoons of water
1 teaspoon oyster sauce
2 teaspoons dark soya sauce
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon soya sauce
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil 
1 teaspoon mirin
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon Japanese cooking seasoning (sake)
1 teaspoon corn flour

Add garlic and shallots. Chop 6 sec, speed 6.
Scrap down sides and add about 15g oil. Sauté 4mins at 120 degree Celsius.
Add marinate chicken, cabbage, carrots, mushrooms. Sauté 7mins at 120 degree Celsius in reverse stir.
Try to remove as much liquid as possible from the bowl before adding the udon and sauce.
Varoma 4mins in reverse stir.

Thursday 7 May 2020

Day 31 & home-cooked fine dining by Chef Ham

Chef hubby made sous-vide salmon with homemade hollandaise sauce using thermomix and cheesy Mac & cheese using rice cooker. 

To compliment the dish, he pop opened cloudy bay white wine to go along with it.
Woah~! I haven’t had such fine dining experience for so long..sorrie about the kiddish plates...haha....
It was a success and everything taste wonderful. The salmon was cooked perfectly using thermomix’s soya-vide function. After that, it was pan fried lightly using French butter to give a slight crisp on the outer surface. I love the hollandaise sauce as it does not cover the taste of the salmon, yet giving a creamy rich texture to the food. Yummmy.....The Mac&cheese was made using the recipe from the
Which I discovered when watching tv, and he was making fried rice using rice cooker. I tried it and it really works and look and taste better than the fried rice I cooked. 
Today is day 31 of CCB and there was 741 new covid cases with 5 from the community. Total number stands at 20939 and 20 deaths.

Day 29 & 30 of CB

Yesterday, there was an increase of 632 new cases and 12 were cases in the community, and 15 were workers living outside dormitories. Still double digits for community cases....☹️
Today on day 30, there was an increase of 788 new cases with 13 cases in the community and 16 workers living outside dormitories. Still in the double digits again....
More healthcare workers were reported to have contracted covid-19 from working at the isolation facility at Expo. How on earth do they get it when they are suited up in their PPE and masks?
Heard someone from hubby’s company got it but he had never been to work since they have been WFH since April. Seriously, I wonder where they got it from??🤔
Total number of cases to date is now 20198 with the death toll at 20.
We have exceeded the 20000 benchmark 😱

Monday 4 May 2020

Trying punch needle embroidery

Bought this punch embroidery kit from Typo just before this CB started. Been curious to try it out ever since I heard about it from a colleague. Thinking that if Lockdown really happens, this could be a good thing to try out. Lo and behold, the lockdown (CB) really happen a few days after I bought it.
Btw, the plush next to it does not come with the kit. Bought that from Japan a few years ago, thinking it looked cute. Now it look super appropriate for the current covid situation.

After I opened the kit, I found some defects in the items. Firstly, it does not come with the template design although it stated that it has but it’s not a big problem. Secondly, the threader which was this thin wire to help push the woolen thread through the punch needle was faulty. It was broken. The kit cost me $29.90 which was overprice in my opinion. Anyway, I managed to improvise and get the woolen thread through the punch needle and draw my own design on the cloth. After watching a few YouTube videos on needle punching, I started to do my own ‘punching’. 
It wasn’t as easy as compare to what I saw on the YouTube Videos. After trying a few times, I managed to prevent the thread from coming out after punching it into the cloth. However, the cloth keeps moving out of place and becomes loose from the frame after a short time. Now the main problem is the frame. Think it’s not tight enough to hold the cloth in place....
Well, at least I learnt sth new today and it was pretty fun after a while. Can be quite therapeutic punching the needle in as it helps to vent off some steam. 

Sunday 3 May 2020

Day 27 and Day 28

There was 447 cases reported yesterday on day 26. Only 6 were community cases and 10 were workers living outside dormitories. 
Today on day 27, another 657 new cases were reported, bring the total cases to 18205 and 17 deaths. We have also exceeded the 18000 benchmark today. 

The long awaited day for bubble tea to come back had been postponed again. When I saw that yuancha announced that they will be back on 5May after getting approval, the next day or day after, they suddenly announce they could not open for business on 5May from MTI....guess the govt could not make up their minds to let bubble tea open or not until the last min...

Friday 1 May 2020

Day 24 and 25

Day 24 saw an increase of 528 cases with 9 cases from the community and 31 cases from workers residing outside dormitories. Maybe due to still so many of these work permit holders living outside dormitories, there is an extension of SHN for work permit and S pass holders in the construction sector. Macdonald had also announced that they will not be opened on the 5May as intended and will be postpone till further notice.....most likely no more Macdonald for this month of May.
Today, there was an increase of 932 cases, bringing the total to 17101, pushing past the 17000 benchmark. 22 are work permit or work pass holders living outside dormitories and 5 were local Singaporeans or PR. Total death at 16.