Friday 30 March 2018

Stupid dog ate my earplugs for the third time..

My silly old pug ate my sleeping ear plugs again! And it’s the third time now! OMG! Can’t believe this dog loves to eat ear plugs so much and he always did so sneakily. Every time he came into my room, he would go look and search for ear plugs on my bedside table coz that’s where I put them. I dunoe why he loves to eat them so much! Argghhh! The last 2 times he ate them, he seems fine. Hope he is ok and dun vomit or anything...

Sunday 25 March 2018

Birthday lunch at Summer Pavilion Ritz Carlton

This year, I did something which I never did before. Going to work on my birthday. I regret it and I promised myself never to make this mistake ever again due to some nasty uncivilized ppl in the workplace who just wana ruin your day....
Anyway I took leave the next day which is a Friday so I could have a long weekend. 

I decided to have my bday lunch at Summer Pavilion as I have never eaten there before.
We took this osmanthus lunch set at $88 per pax. 

We ordered a pot of their best selling Lychee Oolong tea. First dish was this chicken soup with a v thick broth which reminds me of 美人锅, rich in collagen type of soup. It was delicious!

Next is this dim sum platter. The abalone was soft and well flavored.

Next is this prawn dish. The prawn was sweet and fresh but think the portion is kindda too little....

The main dish is this glutinous rice with scallops. The glutinous rice was v fragrant and soft. It was delicious. 
Again, the king scallop was kinda small or was it cut into smaller pieces?

Lastly was this chilled dessert. Yum yum...delicious!
Overall, although the quality of the food was nice but the portion was too little. At the end of my 5 meal course, I was only half full...haha...

Good bye Iceland, hello Copenhagen

We said good bye to Iceland early in the morning at around 7am and board Finair to Copenhagen, a transit stopover before going home. In Copenhagen, we have a stopover of more than 7 hrs so we decided to go out and take a walk around Copenhagen. 

We bought the Copenhagen city card at the airport and took the metro to Kongens Nytorv station which is about 15 mins ride away from the airport. From there, it’s a short walk to Amalienborg which is like the Royal Palace of Denmark. 

A guard on duty. 

The flag flying on top of the building indicate a royalty was inside the building. 

Next to the royal palace is this marble building church called Frederik’s church. 

Quite impresssive building. 
From the royal palace, it’s about 20 mins walk to the famous iconic structure, the little mermaid.

Here she was, looking so pretty and forlorn as though she was waiting for someone....

It was quite crowded as many ppl wanted to take picture with her. 

It felt so different here in Denmark after being constantly battered by the wind, rain and snow in Iceland for a week. Here, the weather feels so calm and tranquil.

A eerie looking church which looks like sth our of a Grimms brother story...haha

One of the water taxi which is covered by the Copenhagen city card.

Notice most of the architecture here had this spiral turret thing.

Tivoli, an iconic place in Copenhagen is a well known amusement park. Din get the chance to go in due to time constraint.

Standing in the city hall square is the nice looking building known as the Jens Olsen Astronomical clock. Entry is free but we did not have the time....

A statue of my favorite storywriter, Hans Christian Anderson.

Standing against Nyhavn, a popular and iconic harbour. The colourful houses stacked closely together along the river  reminds me of Amsterdam....

Back to Nongens Nytorv metro to go back to the airport. There was this departmental store near the metro, but did not get the time to go inside. Copenhagen is quite a nice and easy place to walk around. Maybe if I have the chance, I might wana come again....

Iceland trip- Snaefellsnes Peninsula

As all tours were cancelled yesterday, the tour today was packed full. The tour we signed up for today was Snaefellsnes Peninsula by Grayline tour. 
Snaefellsnes Peninsula was located in western Iceland, well known for its dramatic landscapes. The tour group was about 50 ppl and we travelled in a large bus. The guide was a v entertaining and funny Icelandic woman with red hair. 

It was  cold as the wind was blowing quite strong.

The scenery was amazing and out of the world.

Lunchtime stop at a restaurant called Primus.

Shared a slice of carrot cake. 

An this traditional Icelandic fish called Plokkari which is minced potato onion and milk mixed with small chunks of cod fish. Taste a bit like baby food but quite nice tasting but not v filling.
By then our big day tour bus was having difficulties navigating the narrow roads in thick snow, fog and hailstorm condition. Halfway, the bus became so battered by the weather that the bus plate dropped off and the bus lost power.....meaning it can only move at turtle speed.

The most iconic structure in Snaefellsnes Peninsula is this Kirkjufell mountain also known as church mountain. As we were the first few to get off the bus we were lucky to take a snapshot of this before it gets completely covered by clouds.

Next stop is Lava Cave Vatnshellir. 

It was completely dark inside the cave, thus we were given torchlight and helmet.

Going down this long spiral staircase in the dark was no easy feat. It was cold and wet and v narrow.

We experienced total darkness in the cave when we switched off our torchlight. There’s no difference between closing and opening your eyes at all...

After that, we slowly made our way back to Reykjavik in the broken down bus. The guide had to call for another bus to come pick us up in a location. By the time we were picked up, our bus had already crawled its way almost 1/2 of the journey. 
It was already dark around 9pm by the time we were dropped off at the Grayline bus terminal in Reykjavik city and amazingly, we were treated to another free sighting of aurora! It was v strong as it can be seen v clearly in the city with all the other light pollution. A great end to a day filled with drama and bad weather!

Saturday 24 March 2018

Iceland trip- Reykjavik City free & easy

The storm swept through Reykjavik in the early morning with winds up to 50-60 km/hr. All tours were cancelled that day and morning flights at the airport was delayed. We were hiding inside our hotel and I could see the lamppost wobbling against the strong gust of was quite scary but fun....

One of my fave food. It taste so good....Think I have Skyr yogurt everyday while I was in Iceland.

By afternoon, the storm had subsided so we were able to go outside again. 

From our hotel, we walked to Hallgrimskirkja church, the most iconic structure in Reykjavik.

It was v near from our hotel but the road was wet, icy and slippery. It was here that I caught my first shiny Swablu! happy!

Front the church, we walked to another iconic structure, the sun voyager. 

The whole area was covered with ice....I missed my crampons.

Next, toilet break at the Harper concert hall.

Nice to take a break from the wind and rain inside the comfort of the concert hall. 

Think it looked better at night with the lights....

Lunch at the Reykjavik Fish restaurant. I like the cozy atmosphere of the shop. The food was excellent and service was good.

We ordered the fish and chips to share. The portion was just nice for 2 person who are not v hungry. The cod was fresh tasting and yummy. Ordering was done by yourself at the counter and then u just find ur own seats with a given number and the food will be served to you. Water was free and self service. The only cons I can find is that the condiment sauces eg, tartare sauce was additional charge of 300 Isk, kindda expensive. 

Iceland trip-Golden circle tour

The Golden circle tour was a must go tour for all. We took the Golden circle tour with aurora night hunt with Reykjavik Sightseeing. 

First stop is the Pingvellir National Park which is the former site of the parliament of Iceland in the olden days and also the site resting between 2 tectonic plates. 

After which we went to Geyser.

This whole area is in a geothermal hot spot. 

The most active geyser, Strokkur erupts every 7 mins.

Impressive! It shots up pretty high.

Lunch at Geyser visitor area. There is a huge cafeteria selling burgers, fish and chip, soup etc and the prices were quite ok. The souvenir shop was also v big. 

Halfway stop to feed the Icelandic horse and take pics with them.

They are so tame and cute. Really like the Icelandic horses there. Sadly, if they ever leave Iceland, they can never come back again.

Last stop of the Golden circle route is Gulfoss. One of the largest waterfall in Europe. 

Frankly speaking, I was v impressed with this waterfall. Think I have seen quite a lot of waterfall in my life and to see one that can impressed me is quite hard to come by nowadays. 

It was snowing heavily....

By the time we finished the trail around the waterfall, we have become’s v cold...
The weather had gotten worse by afternoon and all aurora tours that night was cancelled. So, there goes our aurora hunting that night. In addition, all tours in Iceland will be cancelled the next day due to the coming storm. Luckily we don’t have any tours arranged the next day as it’s supposed to be a free and easy day within Reykjavik for us. 
After the tour ended, and since we are free as the aurora hunt was cancelled, we decided to have dinner near our hotel.

Found this noodle restaurant selling hot spicy rice noodles called Nudluskalin.

I chose from the vegetable broth section, Domm Yamm. U can also chose the spicy level from mild, hot etc.. the broth taste v similar to tom yum soup and it was so nice to eat such pipping hot soupy dish on a freaking cold and rainy day. And also, it was delicious! I finished everything in my bowl. Yum yum!
After that, we walked around the main shopping street for a while...and the weather was like raining 1 minute, snowing next minute and hailstorm the next minute....weird extreme weather....haha...welcome to Iceland!