Tuesday 27 December 2016

Paris & London trip day 5

We signed up for a 1 day sight seeing trip in London with Premium Tours. It was a much better tour as compared to the Mont St Michel tour from Paris city vision. The guide was punctual, we learnt a lot from the guides whom are historian and most of all, the driver cum guide bother to give us audio guides based on ur preferred language in Stonehenge.

In the morning we took the iconic red bus for a sight seeing trip at most of the places of interest, like Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, etc....

Standing outside the entrance to the Buckingham Palace.

Statue opposite the Buckingham Palace.

The west Minister Abbey

The Tower of London is a good place to suck up all the history according to my guide. Too bad we din get the chance to visit it, maybe next time.

While waiting for the Thames River cruise, our guide recommended us to check out this place called All Hallows by the tower which is like a church cum Museum place. It was a v creepy place....can actually feel a chill down my spine while waking in the underground Museum which was actually a catacomb.

Saw this interesting restaurant near the docks where u can get your sunshine and not the rain and cold while dining outdoors. What a great idea!

All aboard the ship for the Thames River cruise. The ship was bigger and better than expected.

Above is the Tower Bridge which many ppl mistaken for London Bridge.

That plain looking modern Bridge is the actual London Bridge.

London Bridge is falling down.....lah lah lah...

There is even a sign under the bridge that said London Bridge.

West Minister Abby and Big Ben as seen from River Thames. Impressive 😍
After the cruise, we went back to Victoria Station by the red bus and wait for our second tour to start in the afternoon.

we arrived in Stonehenge after a 2.5 hrs bus journey. The guide was also the driver and he was v patient and nice. Maybe becoz he was not Englishman.

Lotsa of sheeps grazing near the Stonehenge. Felt like poking them.

On the bus, we were shown a documentary on Stonehenge but it's still remains a mystery what is the actual purpose of it. At the end of the day, I do feel it is quite boring and will not come again. But at least I managed to come and see it myself and tick my bucket list.

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