Monday 26 December 2016

Paris & London trip day 2

On day 2, we went to Rodin Museum in the morning. It was my second trip to this Museum and it was my fave Museum so far in Paris. For hubby, it was his first time here.

The first time I was here, hotel biron was under renovation so I din get to go inside. This time, the renovation was completed and I was glad to be able to go in and visit this beautiful building.

The interior of hotel Biron was v nicely done up. Felt like a cozy home more than a Museum. The toilet was so well concealed that u will never be able to find it unless u ask the security personnel.

After that, we went to the garden for lunch.

Although the food was simple, it was delicious.

Had great fun playing with the outdoor statues after that. Haha...

After that, we were actually intending to go Jardin Luxembourg but since most of the yellow autumn leaves have already fallen and there are no more flowers as compared to the first time I was there (early Oct) , we decide to go outlet shopping at La Vallee instead.

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