Tuesday 1 December 2015

A trip to the National Gallery of Singapore

Decided to pop by the newly opened National Gallery. The place was huge and like a maze. I was a but lost when I first came in through the entrance as I dunoe when I shd start off with. For me, I simply just wandered around taking pic of the architecture

The gallery was v big and spacious but lacking in clear signage as most ppl are just aimlessly wandering around like me. Also, the signage were quite confusing....

Clearly, I think I am unable to appreciate SEA arts.....
However one of the exhibit did caught my attention. Local artist Chua Ek Kay art pieces were actually quite nice to me. I like how he uses caligraphy brush to create modern pieces of artwork
The top floor has a reflecting pool and a nice view of Singapore. 
Some of the art pieces remind me of the artworks I saw in France, especially this Van Gogh church painting. 
Oh, and I can't believe I actually found this painting "Drying salted fish" which I told hubby about. Haha....
In total, I spent about 2 hrs in the museum. There were quite a few empty exhibition rooms which I hope they can bring in some art pieces from Monet, Van Gogh or Da Vinci.....it will be nice if we can see these master pieces without going overseas.

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