Sunday 13 December 2015

Seoul yummy

It's the first time I tried Seoul yummy even though they have been around for quite some time.

We ordered the army stew combo set which comes with a choice of army stew, an appetiser and a dessert. This is the first time we tried army stew.  At first, it looks no different from a steam boat but the soup gradually thickens until the end, it really resembled stew. Think it could be due to the instant noodle...anyway, it taste pretty good on a cold rainy day
We end it off with this nice ice dessert. Really Korean ice kachang.
Btw, it was chaos in orchard  yesterday. Due to the sudden heavy downpour, there was a power failure in Orchard Central. All the lifts and escalators were down. I even saw some people trapped inside the transparent glass....

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