Monday 7 October 2019

New Taipei City Pokemon Safari 2019

Decided to take a short 3D2N trip to Taipei just for this Pokémon safari event held at New Taipei Metropolitan Park. It’s the second time we attended a Pokémon safari event in Taipei, the first being in Tainan last year. 

It’s hubby’s first time taking Scoot and our flight depart from Changi to Taipei at 12.50am. Since it’s my idea to go for this last minute trip, I sponsored the air tickets and also to treat Hubby to a holiday after he paid for everything during the last US trip. We went early to have dinner at Shake Shack in Jewel. It’s crowded even on a Thursday night around 9pm. I had the double smoked stack which is the double beef patties with smoked bacon. It’s was delicious! And pricy too, haha.... Hubby had the portobello cheese burger with added bacons and we shared the fries and drink.
After that, we went to watch the rain vortex light show at 10.30pm. First time watching it and it’s pretty cool.
Check out my video at this link

It was a short 4.5 hr flight to Taipei. Managed to get some sleep in the silent zone seat area (no kids allowed zone)  but I feel there are too many unnecessary announcements like clearing trash, duty free shipping  etc in 3 different languages which makes it not so silent anymore.

Arrived in Taipei at about 6am and we took the MRT to Taipei Main Station on the airport line in around 35 mins. This time round, instead of Cosmo or Cesar Park hotel, we stayed at Cityinn3. Since it was still early for checking in, we left our luggages there and went for breakfast at Mr Brown Cafe nearby. 

Had the peanut butter and beef sandwich with Mr brown coffee latte. Comes with a small serving of mash potato and a small yogurt. It was a nice cozy, quiet place to have brekkie and it’s air con! Din get to try their alcoholic coffee beverage as I was still in a state too tired to get drunk. Maybe next time...

After brekkie, it’s time to head for the Pokémon Safari event which starts at 10am. Went there earlier for photo taking. It’s just one MRT stop away from Taipei Main Station on the airport line. 

It was a sunny clear day. Unfortunately we left our sunscreen inside the luggages and we forgot to take them along when depositing the luggages in the hotel. In less than 3 hrs, our skin started looking red and burnt especially on my hands, back of neck and leg. My skin also felt itchy and hot from the constant exposure of the sun. There were hardly any shade and the sun was blazing down like death rays. 
Luckily we had the jungle hats on to protect our face. Saw people carrying UV umbrella, must remind myself to do bring it along next time. Also, saw people wearing this white long sleeve thing on their arms to protect against the UV. Should also get that too. 

AR photo of shiny pikachu with Hubby. 

Posing with Snorlax.

Pikachu with Pikachu.

There were also inflatable starter Pokémons from the new Pokémon game sword and shield. 

After photo taking was over, it’s time to get serious with the grinding. All the Pokestops were on lures. The spawns were amazing! So many Pokémon spawns non stop constantly.  There were no time to take pictures as we were too busy checking for shiny or catching Pokémons. 
Even though we were burning and sweating buckets under the inferno heat, it was still a fun experience and what I like about Pokémon Safari in Taiwan was the many many food stalls selling local Taiwan delights at v reasonable price. 

By 1.30pm, we decide to call it a day after getting 5 shinies and went for lunch at Shun Shui Tang located at the basement of Mitsukoshi mall at Taipei Station. Love Shun Shui Tang and always make it a point to try it whenever I am in Taiwan. 

Time to check in and take a shower. The rooms were clean and modern. Cityinn3 provided many free amenities such as free coffee and tea in the morning, free use of washer and dryer including washing powder. Room came with hair dryer, kettle, free bottled water everyday, and free snacks in the drawer. 
Although they provide free slippers, it was the thinnest I ever wore. Not the most comfortable but well, at least it’s a free slipper. 

After showering and resting for a while, it’s time to hit the famous Shilin Night Market!

Manage to try my Da Chang Bao Xiao Chang which was a Chinese sausage wrapped inside a glutinous rice sausage. The taste was different from what I last tried, maybe it’s a different kinda disappointed.

Also get to try the black pepper pork bun which was so highly raved about. It’s really nice but too hot to eat it on the spot. We bought extra to keep as brekkie for tmr and it still taste as good the next day.
Also bought grilled oyster mushroom and this cooling green herb drink. Notice a lot of claw machines at 10 NTD a play which was quite cheap. 
Thus, we ended the first full day in Taiwan. 

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