Monday 7 October 2019

Day 2-Pokemon Safari, Sushiro & Ichiran

Start of day2 in Taipei for the Pokémon Safari event. This time round, we were armed with sunscreen and sunblock. Manage to get another 4 more shinies and 3 wonder heracross.

Yeah, managed to get a total of 9 shiny Pokémon from the event and complete my Gen2 Pokédex. 
Although trainertips, zoetwodots and some of the other Pokémon youtubers were supposed to be there, I din managed to see any of them. Guess they were hiding either from the heat or from the smell of Stinky tofu in the air....haha....too bad, maybe next time.
So we called it a day at around 12pm and went back to hotel to take a shower before heading out for lunch.

For lunch, we had Sushiro. It was hubby first time trying Sushiro while I had it when it’s first opened in Singapore. Seriously, the sushiro I had in Taiwan was way much better as compared to Singapore in terms of price and quality. 

I learnt that you can download the sushiro Taiwan app and use that to make reservation which was a must coz the waiting time was insanely long. 

After downloading the app, just click on the red button to make a reservation. 

After that, just pick the outlet you are interested to go. The yellow button indicates making reservation using the app. After indicating the number of persons, date and timing you wanted, the reservation is completed with an allocated number.
On the day of the reservation, just make your way to the restaurant about 10mins before your allocated time and check in on the machine. 

A green Chope will appear on your app screen indicating you have check in. What’s so amazing about this app was that it also provide live updates on the queue status so you will know what are the numbers before your allocated number. 
After a good lunch, we went Animate next door for some comic book shopping. Chinese comic books are much cheaper as compared to Singapore.
Next stop we went to check out this shop selling v cute  drinks.

Hubby standing outside the shop. We went around 8pm and there was hardly anyone in the queue.

We ordered this Tiffany blue honey lemon drink with a pug mashmallow on top. It’s so cute! I’ve been wanting to get this drink ever since I saw it online. They also provide a photo taking table for your drink. 

How cute is that!? Can’t bear to eat that mashmallow. Also, the theme was Halloween as it’s coming soon. 

Would definitely go back and get another of their cute drinks agin.
For dinner, we had Ichiran. Yup, that’s right, Taipei had an Ichiran Branch. Why can’t Singapore have one? 

Was there around 9am. The wait was about 50mins. 
As usual when you get ur number on a piece of paper, there was a QR code to scan so you can find out the queue status. I find it much better than the system in Japan where u have to stand and queue in line for as long as an hr sometimes. For Taiwan, u just need to take a number and then go out elsewhere to linger or sit down until your number is called, then u just come and join the queue for about 5mins before being lead inside. There was no vending machines inside to order your food from. Instead just fill in the form provided and hand over through the screen . Then they will pass u a receipt and your food. After eating, just bring ur receipt to the cashier to make payment.

As compared to Ichiran from Japan, the one in Taiwan had more noodles, therefore it’s not necessary to add extra noodle. Tastewise was similar to Japan and we also ordered this matcha draft beer which I don’t see in Japan. What a unique drink! It taste really good as well. 

Above is the Ichiran menu from Taipei. Oh yah, another thing is that the half boiled egg was nicely peeled for me unlike the one in Japan where I have to peeled it myself. 

Outside the restaurant. Ichiran Taipei is open 24 hrs. They also sell the instant ramen at the store.

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