Tuesday 16 April 2019

Uminonakamichi Seaside Park-Flower paradise

We went to the this park on the day we arrived in Hakata on the 4th April. All the flowers are in bloom when we arrived, how lucky! 

We took the JR Kagoshima line from Hakata Station and change to the Kashii Line at Kashii station and rode all the way to Saitozaki station which is closer to where all the flowers are. 
Besides the tulips which are in full bloom, we also managed to see cherry blossoms, blue nemophilia, cosmos, canola flowers and many other different variety of flowers.

The weather was excellent for photo taking as the sky was cloudless and blue, making everything look so vibrant and colourful!

Black tulips.

Pink tulips.

Bright red tulips...the red looks so intense.
I Spent a lot of time taking pictures here coz it’s just so beautiful.

The cherry blossoms were in full bloom. We thought we can only managed to catch them when they are falling.

The cherry blossoms against the blue sky view reminds me of Van Gogh’s paintings which I saw before. So grateful for the nice weather that day!

Sea of blue nemophilia with cherry blossoms in the backdrop.

Quite a large area of blue nemophilia.
Decide to picnic here. Glad I brought my mats along. 
There were v few people around and it’s nice to hanami here instead of squeezing with the crowd in Tokyo or Kyoto. 

Maybe becoz it’s a Thursday. That’s all the people we had around us.

Other scenic areas in the park 

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