Sunday 21 April 2019

Pokémon Safari Singapore Sentosa 21 April 2019

For the first time, Pokémon safari is coming to Singapore and and it will be at Sentosa Island. Managed to ballot for a ticket on Sunday 21th April together with Hubby. 

Was so excited to get the ticket coz many ppl din not managed to get it. Guess they wanna control the crowd otherwise it will turn out to be like what happened in Tainan Pokémon Safari where it’s impossible to log in and play. Anyway, I think this Pokémon safari was v well organized and hope there will be another one in future in Singapore, maybe at Gardens by the bay??

We parked the car at Vivocity and walked across the bridge to sentosa as it free if u walked in. 

Free paper pikachu hats were readily available and distributed at many places without the need to queue up at all. This is so unlike what we encountered in Tainan Pokémon safari where ppl need to for an hour just to get the free paper hat.

Saw many nicely done and colorful photo pin up for photo taking. 

Hubby posing with his legendary birds.

More photo taking with Pokémon.

Found my snorlax buddy.

The giant inflatable Lapras looking pumped up and well again after it deflated yesterday.

Poor Lapras....even he couldn’t stand the freaking hot and humid weather.

Notice many ppl crowding around this smeargle and then I realized they are trying to photobomb the smeargle against this smeargle....

There is even this Pikachi meet and greet where u can take pictures with him. But we happened to missed the timing and decide not to wait for the next session. Poor guy in the costume must be melting....

Got quite a few tents set up with each gym’s leader in front. Seriously, the sun was so strong that I am in no mood to take pictures with any cardboards after this....coz I feel like an aloha grimer.....melted in the sun....arghhh....we try to find whatever available shade we could to hide so as not to get a heat stroke. 

I like this picture as all the gym leaders are together with the Professor. 

The walkway of Pikachu leading to the merlion.
We stayed for about 6hrs before calling it a day and took the free shuttle bus to harbourfront bus interchange. Caught 3 shiny shuckles, a shiny crabby, shiny dratinis, shiny eeve and a shiny sunkern. The unowns made up of the word ‘SENTOSA!’ so I managed to collect another S and ! to my alphabet collection in addition to the T,A,I,N,Z,O,E which I got from the Tainan Safari. Not a single shiny Lapras but hubby caught 3 shiny Lapras so I made him trade with me. Lucky Donki! The Lapras were v difficult to catch as they keep escaping from the balls and I had to use golden razz berries and ultra balls and it’s not a guarantee catch even with that also. Wasted many good balls and berries....
And thus that concludes the end of Pokémon Safari Sentosa. Overall, I feel it was v nicely done and I feel proud that Singapore had done a great job in handling this event. Hopefully there will be another such event in Singapore again!

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