Tuesday 2 April 2019

Keisuke hamburg Steak

Treated my mom to this place sometime in January this year, called hamburg steak keisuke. As the name suggests, it specializes in hamburg steaks Japanese style. We tried their cheese prime hamburg steak set at around $20++ 

The set comes with free flow salad and freshly cooked eggs. Personally I find the hamburg to be normal but my mom loves the salad and the cooked eggs which comes with the meal. 

We started off with the salad and tried one of the eggs. They have a variety of cooked eggs such a scrambled or the rolled sweetened Japanese type eggs. Can tell the eggs are v fresh and the yoke are orangey in colour.   They have many varieties in the salad bar and we feel actually full from just eating that....haha....so the hamburg turned out to be the side dish instead. A pity they dun just have the salad buffet alone. 

Entrance of the restaurant. We went early about 11.45am so there was no queue yet but after that, the queue started and it was quite long. 

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