Saturday 24 March 2018

Iceland trip-Golden circle tour

The Golden circle tour was a must go tour for all. We took the Golden circle tour with aurora night hunt with Reykjavik Sightseeing. 

First stop is the Pingvellir National Park which is the former site of the parliament of Iceland in the olden days and also the site resting between 2 tectonic plates. 

After which we went to Geyser.

This whole area is in a geothermal hot spot. 

The most active geyser, Strokkur erupts every 7 mins.

Impressive! It shots up pretty high.

Lunch at Geyser visitor area. There is a huge cafeteria selling burgers, fish and chip, soup etc and the prices were quite ok. The souvenir shop was also v big. 

Halfway stop to feed the Icelandic horse and take pics with them.

They are so tame and cute. Really like the Icelandic horses there. Sadly, if they ever leave Iceland, they can never come back again.

Last stop of the Golden circle route is Gulfoss. One of the largest waterfall in Europe. 

Frankly speaking, I was v impressed with this waterfall. Think I have seen quite a lot of waterfall in my life and to see one that can impressed me is quite hard to come by nowadays. 

It was snowing heavily....

By the time we finished the trail around the waterfall, we have become’s v cold...
The weather had gotten worse by afternoon and all aurora tours that night was cancelled. So, there goes our aurora hunting that night. In addition, all tours in Iceland will be cancelled the next day due to the coming storm. Luckily we don’t have any tours arranged the next day as it’s supposed to be a free and easy day within Reykjavik for us. 
After the tour ended, and since we are free as the aurora hunt was cancelled, we decided to have dinner near our hotel.

Found this noodle restaurant selling hot spicy rice noodles called Nudluskalin.

I chose from the vegetable broth section, Domm Yamm. U can also chose the spicy level from mild, hot etc.. the broth taste v similar to tom yum soup and it was so nice to eat such pipping hot soupy dish on a freaking cold and rainy day. And also, it was delicious! I finished everything in my bowl. Yum yum!
After that, we walked around the main shopping street for a while...and the weather was like raining 1 minute, snowing next minute and hailstorm the next minute....weird extreme weather....haha...welcome to Iceland!

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