Thursday 31 December 2015

Matcha Bingsu at Nunsaran

Finally get to try the matcha bingsu at Orchard Central! The place was packed with people. We ordered the matcha bingsu. It taste way better than the matcha bingsu I ate in Caffè bene. The milk shavings were v soft. Like eating snow flakes....haha. Even hubby likes it. Nice therapeutic food.....yumyum....

New Year eve lunch at dancing crab

Ended up at Orchard Central eating dancing crab for lunch. The seafood combo 1 comes with 1 crab, prawns, some sausage, corn, potatoes and clams. For $88, it seems kind of overpriced since the crab is on the small side. The carrots were too hard, as it had not been cooked long enough. However I like the prawns and clams. The prawns were big and fresh and the clams were big and n juicy. The best part of the meal is the lavender lemonade. Love it!

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Lunch at Caffè bene

Had lunch at the newly opened Caffè bene with ah siao and aunty at vivo today. 

I ordered the tuna and egg wrap with Americano coffee at $9.90. A bit overpriced for such a small wrap but taste wise is not bad. Dun feel that there is a anything nice or special about the coffee. Taste like typical Starbucks. The matcha bingsu is not bad though....i like the crunchy nuts and red bean paste. There is a scoop of matcha ice cream hidden inside. However, the ice shavings were bit rough and not the milky type which I prefer.

Sunday 27 December 2015

My nephew Calen....

This is my little nephew Calen, the naughty dinosaur. Very smart and cheeky and very atletic. 

Saturday 26 December 2015

Boxing day lunch at Marriot Cafe

Had a v full and satisfying lunch at Marriot Cafe. Think I'm getting too old for buffet....already bursting after my third plate.

I like the innovative desserts. After finishing these five desserts, I could not even tried anything else....

Friday 25 December 2015

Lunch at Chicken Up

Ordered kimchi fries and melon bingsu at Chicken Up near my house for Xmas lunch.


Xmas eve dinner at home

Had a simple xmas eve dinner at home with just hubby. Had foie gras with bread, soup and some chicken sticks. The matcha log cake fr Tsujiri is cheap and good at only $35. 

Monday 21 December 2015

Lunch at Jstory

Was supposed to come to capitol building to try pho tai but it had closed down....? That's fast! I thought it was just recently opened!? Anyway, I tried next door Jstory selling Korean food. Ordered salmon  kimchi at $8.80.  The sides and the soup are self serve. Cold water is additional $0.30. At first, they messed up my order....coz I couldn't find any salmon in my soup after eating a few bites. They took back my soup even though I had eaten it and replaced with the correct soup. Service was good. It was a nice quiet place to have lunch away from the crowd at a reasonable price. Food was ok. Total cost after service charge and GST is $10.75. 

Star war movie at nex premier

Star war 7 is finally out and we went to Nex premier to pamper ourselves for this block buster movie.

Ordered a lot of food to stuff ourselves....the table is too small to contain our food. Cannot imagine if we each ordered a meal.....
The movie is not bad....felt like a replay of the older version. Some of the old actors and actress from episode 4,5 and 6 were also in the movie. They aged so much....

Saturday 19 December 2015

Sat afternoon tea with Alice in wonderland theme

Finally its the weekend! A long tiring week is finally over. Taking an afternoon break now....with tea and biscuit bought from my recent japan trip. Loved the packaging on the biscuit.

Sunday 13 December 2015

Gyoza King

Dinner at Gyoza King located at Orchid Link Hotel.

I chose the prawn gyoza with stired fried egg with chives and chicken namba. Hubby chose the chicken gyoza with pork and fried fish as the side dishes. Apart from the chicken namba, the rest of the side dishes were just average ok....nothing special or particularly good. Service was bit slow and messy. To me, gyoza all seem to taste the same to me...but hubby said the gyoza here is better than the osaka gyoza. 
Feeling Monday blues now. ....been sleeping alot today. My itch had returned and I'm starting to feel sick again....oh dear....

Seoul yummy

It's the first time I tried Seoul yummy even though they have been around for quite some time.

We ordered the army stew combo set which comes with a choice of army stew, an appetiser and a dessert. This is the first time we tried army stew.  At first, it looks no different from a steam boat but the soup gradually thickens until the end, it really resembled stew. Think it could be due to the instant noodle...anyway, it taste pretty good on a cold rainy day
We end it off with this nice ice dessert. Really Korean ice kachang.
Btw, it was chaos in orchard  yesterday. Due to the sudden heavy downpour, there was a power failure in Orchard Central. All the lifts and escalators were down. I even saw some people trapped inside the transparent glass....

Saturday 12 December 2015

Sat morning brekkie

Had YaKun brekkie at Orchard Central with hubby on a Sat morning coz he had a dental appt today at Centrepoint.

Friday 11 December 2015

Braces removal day

After 2 years, I finally removed my braces! Yeah! The price to pay for these set of beautiful straight teeth are too torturous to endure ever again. 

Monday 7 December 2015

First day back at work...

First day back at work today and I can feel the miasma air making my head goggy and heavy juz by breathing it whole day while sitting in my table....
The only good thing is that I can lose weight easily....hopefully I can drop 1-2 kg before I quit....

Anyway, I remb to bring everything to work today except my hp this morning....arghh. .....luckily hubby brought it to my workplace on his way to work. So happy....good old hubby is the best!

Friday 4 December 2015

Omakase Burger

Late lunch at Omakase Burger at Wisma Atria. My bacon cheese burger was very nicely done. I request for well done and the beef still have a tinge of pink inside them. The beef was juicy tender and melts in my mouth without any beefy smell....shd have ordered the tallow fries....maybe next time

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Late Lunch at Angelina

Was wandering around thinking of where to go next after the national gallery when I happened to chance upon Angelina at the newly opened capitol building. OMG!! Can't believe it opened a branch here in Singapore! I din get a chance to try it's famous hot chocolate drink when I was in France but now I'm glad I finally get to try it here in Singapore! Yippee!

It comes with a complimentary piece of bread. It looked so tiny in that huge platter...haha...but taste good coz it's warm and toasted..crispy on the outside n soft on the inside, unlike the cold stone hard bread which are always served in France....
I ordered the 2 course set lunch which comes with the hot chocolate drink. The soup of the day was prawn lucky. It taste really good. Practically licked my plate clean.
For the main dish, I chose a salmon over cous cous....dun really like the taste. The skin wasn't crispy at all and I dun like the sweet citrus sauce which taste weird on a savoury dish....mayb I shd have chose the pasta main dish instead. 
Service was prompt and good. In total, the 2 course meal cost me abt $43 including tax and service charge. There was even a store next to the cafe selling macaroons, cakes and other souvenirs from Angelina. Overall, happy that I finally get to try the chocolate drink on a cold rainy day.

A trip to the National Gallery of Singapore

Decided to pop by the newly opened National Gallery. The place was huge and like a maze. I was a but lost when I first came in through the entrance as I dunoe when I shd start off with. For me, I simply just wandered around taking pic of the architecture

The gallery was v big and spacious but lacking in clear signage as most ppl are just aimlessly wandering around like me. Also, the signage were quite confusing....

Clearly, I think I am unable to appreciate SEA arts.....
However one of the exhibit did caught my attention. Local artist Chua Ek Kay art pieces were actually quite nice to me. I like how he uses caligraphy brush to create modern pieces of artwork
The top floor has a reflecting pool and a nice view of Singapore. 
Some of the art pieces remind me of the artworks I saw in France, especially this Van Gogh church painting. 
Oh, and I can't believe I actually found this painting "Drying salted fish" which I told hubby about. Haha....
In total, I spent about 2 hrs in the museum. There were quite a few empty exhibition rooms which I hope they can bring in some art pieces from Monet, Van Gogh or Da will be nice if we can see these master pieces without going overseas.