Monday, 21 December 2020

Winter Solstice & the Great Conjecture 21 Dec 2020

Today, 21 Dec 2020 is the winter solstice which marks the longest night and shortest day in the norther hemisphere. To me, winter solstice simply means 冬至 which means it’s time to eat dumplings, 汤圆! Coincidentally, today also marks the day where the Great Conjecture happens tonight where Jupiter and Saturn overlaps in the night sky.
Jupiter and Saturn typically aligned in the sky once every 20 years. What makes this year event so rare is that, it’s been 400 years since the planets passed this close (0.1 degree apart) and 800 years since this alignment occurred at night, meaning the last time humans saw Jupiter and Saturn being 0.1 degree apart was 800 years ago.
This event can be seen by everyone on Earth. 

The two planets will seem to appear as an elongated star or also known as the Xmas Star in the sky. 
Sadly, I don’t see anything from my window due to light pollution and clouds....🙁

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