Wednesday 2 January 2019

Ippudo shio ebi wanton noodle, Yifang bubble tea

Had lunch during the last week of Dec 2018 with hubby at Ippudo mandarin gallery. They are currently having this new item on the menu: shio ebi wanton noodle. At first I though it was a prawn based ramen. But it turned out to be a chicken based ramen soup with prawn wantons. Anyway, it was v delicious as the soup was v rich in flavors and it felt like I was drinking some double boiled chicken soup. The wanton was made from a whole prawn. Before I know it, I have finished drinking all the soup....
After that, we discovered a new Taiwanese bubble tea shop which just opened recently at the basement of Somerset 313 area. It called 一芳 Yifang and they specialize in fruit tea. 

We bought the lugu oolong tea and the multi floral honey mountain tea.

The oolong tea was just normal to me but I really like the muli floral honey mountain tea. It’s not too sweet for me and I like the light fragrance of the tea.
Maybe next time I’ll try the Yifang fruit tea....hehee...

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