Sunday 18 February 2018

Iceland trip-Feb 2018

We decided to escape CNY by going to Iceland this time! It’s going to be a long flight with 2 transit at Helsink and Copenhagen before arriving at at Reykjavik. After eating reunion dinner at Ban Heng with my in-laws, we rushed to changi airport.

This is the year of the dog, thus the flower decoration dog status. 
After a grueling 12 hrs flight, we finally arrived in Helsinki. It’s the second time I’m in Finland. A lot of Asian ppl around who like me are also escaping the CNY.....

Couldn’t sleep much during the flight as there are screaming kids around. 

Bye to Helsinki and onwards to Copenhagen Denmark.
Finally after 24 hrs later, we arrrived in Reykjavik and checked into Castle House Luxury apartment. 

The kitchen comes with everything, plates, spoon, fork, electric kettle, can opener, toaster and pots..etc. 
Since I haven’t sleep for past 24 hrs, I was concussed out by 8pm after bathing and eating. Haven’t had a single dream that night.

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