Tuesday 3 January 2017

Nellim Wilderness Hotel- Day 2

First activity of the day 2 was snowmobiling.

It was my first time driving the snow mobile. At first, it was fine when I drove it on the lake. Once I got off the lake onto land, It became harder to drive it as it require a lot of strength to maneuver the handles. I flipped the snow mobile twice and had to wait for the guide to come and rescue us as its impossible for us to flip it back coz the snow mobile weighed more than 100kg.

Think this is like some extreme winter activity for me as I was super shag out after this. We actually drove 50km north using the snow mobile through some narrow winding path. Considering we are just beginners, I find it an incredible feat for me.

Everywhere around me was a vast expanse of white. Feel like a magical winter wonderland experience.

Midway stop for a lunch break.

I'm glad we persevere and managed to get through it to the end.

By the time we reached our cabin, we bath and immediately collapsed on the bed from exhaustion. In the end we missed the tin melting program.

Dinner was quite a sumptuous feast. I like the salmon as it taste v fresh even though it's been smoked. Next activity is snow shoeing. Although I have hear many ppl complaining about how tough it was, I decided to go ahead with it as I don't want to regret not doing it. I have never done snow shoeing before so might as well give it a try.

In the end, many ppl dropped out of the activity and there were only 4 person left including the guide. It was dark and snowy. Actually it was not as bad as what I heard from others as we only walked for about 20 mins across a lake to a small clearing within some trees and set up campfire. We met a very nice New Zealand uncle who helped us with the snow shoes and he was v helpful and even help set up campfire for the guide. No luck with the aurora because of the clouds despite v strong aurora activity as the sky was reddish color. Spend most of the time chatting around the campfire while the snow fell softly and gently around us, until we looked like snowman....haha ...Quite a magical and memorable last night of 2016 for us. I was glad I went for the snow shoeing despite warnings from others and despite me being physically tired already from the morning snowmobiling. I guess I learnt something on that day and that is the more others said it is hard, the more u have to do it and overcome it.

Lastly, we marked beginning of the 2017 with fireworks. Happy New Year 2017! 🎉

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