Tuesday 22 March 2016

A fun filled birthday

Took leave on my birthday and had a great time. In the morning, we went to Garden by the bay to view the cherry blossoms display. Seeing all these cherry blossoms made me remember the times when I was in Japan last year to view the cherry blossom. It's so beautiful....sighz...seeing them here in SG is just so different. 
Next we had lunch at Equinox located on the 70th floor of Raffles City. It's my first time there and the view was stunning. 
We had a seat next to the window. I can see all the iconic landmarks of SG in this view. 

We had the semi buffet lunch. For the main course, I chose the grilled barrumundi. Everything else was free flow and self service. I like the Sri Lanka crabs! This is the perfect buffet for me as I prefer seafood, appetitizer, desserts and soup over mains. 
There is a wide selection of cheese and some of them are quite nice.
Small serving of my main dish- grilled barrumundi. 
After lunch, we went to Arteastiq at Mandarin Gallery for a art session. Since its my birthday, I have a 1 for 1 promotion. It include a free set of paint brush and a free drink. It's my first time painting on a  canvas and a million years since I hold a paintbrush in my hand. Haha...I attempted to paint Van Gogh's Starry Night...well....I tried my best using the lousy paintbrush and the result is this.....
Looks more like an impressionist version of starry night. Haha....it was fun and three hours just flew past.
Last but not least, my birthday present from hubby....a Bering watch with a ceramic strap, marble face and swaroski crystals. I like it! Guess he knows my preference when it comes to watches. 

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