Friday 27 March 2020

Japan trip- hedgehog cafe

Always wanted to visit a hedgehog cafe in Japan and this time round, I was glad I manage to do that during my Jap trip on 29 Jan 2020.

Located on the second floor of this building located in a side alley, we had quite a hard time locating this cafe.
The name of the cafe was chiku chiku hedgehog and we made a reservation on the website.

The place was quite small but cozy and quiet. Not much ppl around at the time when we arrived, only another couple was around. There were about 10 hedgehogs each kept in an enclosure like the one shown above. It’s so cute, like a doll house with tiny furnitures and beddings.

The drinks from the auto dispenser machine was free flown and self service. We were given gloves to wear when handing them and we also bought some live worms to feed them.

Most of the hedgehogs were sleeping at the time we visit around 12pm since they were nocturnal creatures.

Each hedgehog had their own personalities as we discovered when we moved from 1 hedgehog to another. Some were more tamed and timid while others were more aggressive and agitated.

Each of them also comes with a card stating their birthday, names and their ID next to the enclosure.

We had a lot of fun feeding and playing with them. They were v food motivated and will greedily gobbled up the worms when they saw it.

They were bigger than I expected. The tip
to carrying them was to lift them up from their soft belly.

In the center of the room was this large enclosure containing many hedgehogs.

The cafe has its own bathroom and they also sell several cute and nice hedgehog souvenirs.

Before we left, the friendly staff even offered to help us take a picture with the hedgehog. This little fella needs to coax out using a worm bait otherwise it just refuses to look at the camera, haha....
Overall, it was an enjoyable experience with hedgehog and I can see the hedgehog here were taken good care of by giving them breaks in between customer.

The sign on the enclosure that state the hedgehog is taking a break. It’s a pity that hedgehogs are illegal for sale in Singapore....otherwise I would love to keep one as pet.

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Japan trip- Pokemon Cafe

visited the Pokémon Cafe on 26 Jan 2020 Sunday around 6.30pm. 

The giant snorlax which appeared once the lift opened. Near to the snorlax was the entrance of the Pokémon Cafe.

We booked the cafe 1 month before on the 26 Dec 2019 on this website for Pokémon Cafe
We waited in line outside until the staff held up a paper indicating the timeslot that we chosen. After checking our names, we went to look for our allocated seats.

The paper table mats were free to take home. Plain water was served automatically and were free of charge. Ordering was done on the iPad.

Got to order this Gengar grape slushie. So cool looking. There was an option to order this with the cup purchase. 

The place was quite empty when we first arrived.

Loved the decorations in this place.

Haha....giant snorlax sleeping.

Ordering the gengar slushie allowed me to play this game where I got this coaster. Lucky! It’s my fave starter Pokémon.

Order this snorlax meal. It tasted a bit dry but looks so damn cute! I like the fact that they even put a grass table mat below it to make the effect looks nicer.

Hubby ordered this curry meal. Taste better than mine.

Half way through the meal, Pikachu came and did a greet and dance performance. Check out my video 

Overall, I enjoyed myself v much. It’s such a happy atmosphere especially if you are a Pokémon fan.